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Police arrest brother and lawyer of Peru's president over alleged influence peddling

来源:Planet Profile news portal编辑:health时间:2024-06-03 18:32:47

LIMA, Peru (AP) — Peruvian authorities arrested President Dina Boluarte’s brother and her lawyer on Friday over influence-peddling accusations, a day after the South American country’s government disbanded a police unit that assisted prosecutors in investigating the president’s inner circle.

A judge signed off on the arrests, according to a copy of the warrant obtained by The Associated Press. The document accuses the president’s sibling of working to appoint government officials in exchange for money and an agreement to gather signatures to register a political party.

The developments mark the latest step in mounting pressure on Boluarte, who became president in December 2022, when she replaced then-president Pedro Castillo. He was dismissed by Parliament and is now imprisoned while being investigated for alleged corruption and rebellion.

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